Four Ways to Get Better Sample Preparation Results While Saving Time & Labor

Manual sample preparation is a time-consuming task that not only creates bottlenecks but also affects protein yield and downstream biological interpretation. To save valuable time and achieve reproducible upstream sample preparation, we’re sharing four strategies that scientists can employ.

Use Pre-Packaged, Ready-to-Use Reagents and Consumables

Pre-packaged, ready-to-use reagents and consumables can save time by reducing the need for manual preparation and minimizing the risk of errors or contamination. These products are particularly useful for routine or high-throughput experiments.

When evaluating reagents and consumables, look for an innovative partner that creates improved technology. For example, by identifying chemically compatible reagents, lysis, denaturation reduction, and alkylation can be combined into one single, fast, and efficient proteolytic digestion step. Sample preparation workflows that typically take scientists up to 44 hours to complete can be reduced to just 2 hours.

Standardize Protocols and Workflows 

From sample collection and storage to protein digestion and sample enrichment, it’s important to have clear and standardized protocols and workflows to minimize variability and improve reproducibility. This can be particularly helpful when implementing automation, as it ensures that all samples are processed consistently, regardless of the user or equipment. Establishing standardized protocols and workflows involves:

  1. Developing clear, step-by-step instructions
  2. Establishing best practices
  3. Testing and validate all methods and protocols 
  4. Training lab personnel
  5. Documenting protocols
  6. Incorporating quality control checks
  7. Updating protocols

Use Automated Liquid Handling Systems and/or Automated Sample Preparation Platforms 

Automated liquid handlers help minimize manual pipetting errors, reduce the risk of contamination, and save time by performing repetitive tasks more efficiently. These systems are particularly useful for high-throughput experiments where a large number of samples need to be processed.

For maximum efficiency and simplicity, consider an automated sample preparation platform that combines liquid handling, sample extraction, purification, and other processes into a single, integrated workflow. This helps improve the speed, accuracy, and reproducibility of sample preparation, as well as free up time for scientists.

Pursue Continuous Training and Education

Stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in lab automation and sample preparation techniques through continuous training and education. This can help maximize the benefits of automation and improve the overall efficiency of the lab. A great source of information can be expert suppliers of consumables and instruments. They should provide educational resources on their websites to ensure proper usage of their products.

Get Better Sample Preparation Results

By incorporating the strategies we’ve outlined above, scientists can save time, improve the efficiency and reproducibility of their experiments, and ultimately increase the quality of their research.

To aid scientists in these areas, PreOmics has developed dedicated tools for mass spectrometry based proteomics. By eliminating or combining steps using a single enclosed device. PreOmics achieves increased sensitivity, reduced sample loss, and a reliable workflow.

If you’re looking for high-performance solutions and workflows that set the standard for protein analysis, let’s start a conversation today.

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